• When Jackie Gleason and Art Carney signed for this film project both men made it clear that th would not anything remotely like The Honeymooners. Isidore Einstein and Moe Smith will never be mistaken for Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton.

    This apocryphal tale Izzy And Moe is the story of a pair of Prohibition who ook the job seriously and stepped on a lot of important toes in the colorful wys hey took down speakeasies. Their unpreposessing appearances was in fact a secret weapon. Bootleggers never mistook them for Eliot Ness. What y see here is only a small part of their creativiy.

    Gleason and Carney complement each other beautifully. Notice should also be taken of Cynthia Harris on her Texas Guinan type character.

    The ambence of the Roaring 20s is well captured here,, This is one enjoyavle film.