• This is one of those series that had a lot going for it - the cast was pretty solid all around (Roma Downey had the most alluring presence, and Mandy Patinkin portrayed Satan in a surprisingly different light), and some of the ideas had potential to expand beyond the typical "If you trust in God, or ask for forgiveness, God will make everything OK in a matter of seconds" theme. But sadly, that never happened.

    The series became dramatically repetitive, sappy, and frustrating as its "messages" of hope and faith were always presented using the same formula: a character goes through hard times, and miraculously comes out of it unscathed when glowing lights suddenly appear above the main characters, and the "angels" begin spitting out the same words, time and time again. For me, it just didn't work at all.

    I won't go so far to call this show "horrible." As I said before, the actors were pretty strong, and it occasionally did tread some creative territory, but in the end, it just felt WAY too "Hallmark Channel" for me.