• It was warm, at least to her. Everyone else was too busy sleeping. "You have no idea how to write a review, you know that?" She said to no one. "I'm talking to you, you dolt! I get a chance to star in a review, and it's wasted by a completely incompetent author." The cow had suffered delusions for as long as she could remember. After her young calf was taken away to the slaughterhouse, she swore that she saw him grazing about a particular patch of grass. "Oh, that's a really cheap shot!" She cried to the voices in her head. "Don't bring Moomoo the seventeenth into this!" She sighed exasperatedly. "Just because you're human doen't mean you get to treat me like garbage." Suddenly, a nearby sleeping cow died. "Wait, one did? Which one?! Was it Bessie? You better not have killed Bessie!" Little did the cow know that Bessie, indeed, had suddenly passed away. "Nooo!!!!!! You monster!!!!!!" She screamed in anguish. Luckily, she was unaware that Bessie's last moments were filled with pain and agony. She burst into tears. "You really are a piece of work, you know that?" The other cows began waking up, and noticed her shouting to no one. "Wow, she's crazy" they whispered amongst each other. "Y-you've taken everything from me," She sniffled. "My friend, my dignity, and my one shot at stardom. I despise you." Then, she fell over, dead. Dead from the same illness that suddenly afflicted Bessie. All the other cows cheered with glee, as the two most hated cows in the herd had passed away. It would usher in a new age of prosperity, as the last aware cows had died.

    P. S. The movie is trash

    Final Score: Cow/100.