• Warning: Spoilers
    The wording and some visuals of the apparitions are riddled with inaccuracies. The words of Our Lady have been altered or omitted leading to misconceptions in the messages. It would seem any Catholic input on this film must have come from those ingrained in the 'Novus Ordo' or with modernist tendencies. Ok film, but NOT an historically accurate account of the Fatima apparitions and messages. Which begs the question: why make the film in the first place, if historical-correctness isn't taken into account? The 'Miracle of the Sun' was one of the most publicly-witnesses miracles known, with some accounts claiming as many as 100,000 people witnessed the event. The Fatima Apparitions are not really open to 'interpretation', so again, why make a film with changed/omitted messages, when we KNOW what was said? Very suspect.