• Warning: Spoilers
    This feels like a completely different franchise than the first. It's not clever, funny, or surprising like the first. It was cheesy and predictable.

    I didn't mind the ending so much. But the fact bee was hardly in the movie and then shows up a brand new person bothered me. We get one line of explanation "you changed me that night" or whatever the line was. A cheap copout to subvert expectations, although they really didn't because you could see that coming a mile away.

    He didn't really change her though, did he? She gave up her soul in the first place just to save Pheobe. Maybe it could've been that he reminded her of who she really was? Okay I know, I'm knit picking now. A better backstory to what made her give up her evil ways would've been appreciated.

    A lot bothered me about this movie. And even more made me cringe. I watched it all because I hate leaving a movie unfinished, but I didn't enjoy it. I felt the need to fast forward through certain parts. I'd say the first was a 7, and this one's right around a 3 for me