Not another!


    We have seen so many of these films recently where a female gets either kidnapped or chased by a nutter what could possibly make this stand out from all of the rest to make this your choice to watch?

    Well actually it was rather good with the suspense building nicely throughput the film, yes predictable in places and slow in others but what made this for me was 2 very simple things.

    1st, It's set in the real wild so rather than having an actor pretend to be in a forest in the middle of the sun shine this was actually filmed during one of the biggest rain storms so added that realistic element.

    2nd, as we see in so many films the complete back story of every character is told just rushing what could have been a great film, answering every question by the end of the film but this film doesn't, you don't know why he is doing what he is doing, you don't know his back story and you are only briefly told the main female characters back story which is relevant to what is happening in the film so this film could concentrate on the story without rushing or explaining everything, keeping you guessing as to his motive or not.

    So yes this does stand out from the other films of this genre and is one to see if you get the opportunity.

    Rating 7 out of 10