
  • I enjoy survival movies because I like to put myself in the situation - how would I react? What would I do? This movie is very believable, especially from a female perspective. The heroine, Jessica, is not a "superhero" nor is she a victim. She isn't "blond, buff & twenty" like most of victims portrayed these days. Instead, she is your sister, daughter, friend - just a regular youngish (30?) woman, moving from one place to another, pulling a U-haul behind her much used car. Same for the "man." Average looking, even a little common looking - exactly the kind of guy you see everyday at the store or gas station. Their "meeting", too, is an event that occurs a million times a day all over the world. As I watched this, I found myself thinking, "I've done that..." Don't get me wrong, this isn't a feminist film at all. The movie keeps your interest simply because it is so believably realistic - Jessica and the man act and react like one would expect - not like a character in a script. And the ending, though violent, dirty and degrading, was not how I expected this particular story to end. Definitely worth watching.