• The film has so many layers like an onion. Affirmative Action in India is practiced in educational intuitions in a worst way possible. There have been instances where students who got negative marking got in to medical colleges because they are from a particular community. There are instances for entry in to Masters in medicine (specialization education) where in if you are from a certain community, even if you are the topper(1st rank in the whole state), you cannot get in to a specialization of your choice. The second layer is the virulent anti-brahminism perpetuated by politicians in Tamil Nadu. The movie shows the actual conditions of Brahmins in reality. I have even read that after the release of this movie, some brahmin associations have honored the director for showing the reality of their lives. Now including the above said two items in to a movie and making it successful super hit movie in whole of South India is a great thing and that too a director with his first outing is great.