• Three comic book stories are told to us by the devilish Creep. This time, we have a story about a Native American wooden statue that comes to life and kills anyone who threatens its owners, a raft that's the only safe place from a murderous oil slick in a river, and an undead hitchhiker who haunts the wealthy woman who accidentally ran him over.

    Creepshow 2 isn't as well made or snappy as the original and it doesn't have quite the same amount of star power. Romero and King still have a hand in it, but Romero's directorial touch is noticeably absent. Each story is entertaining, but they seem to get better as they go along with the first being a little less memorable than the other two. The Raft is disturbing, mean, and gory and The Hitchhiker is easily the one with the most welcome amount of humor wit Lois Chiles delivering a very funny performance.