
  • Sort of an Americanized James Bond where government assassin Clint Eastwood travels to different locales fighting killing and boinking (not always in that order). It's got colorful characters, beautiful women, and a cartoon villain that would be right at home in a Roger Moore Bond flick. Gorgeous Vonetta McGee is reason alone to see this. Lots of pretty ladies in this film but she's on a whole other level.

    Like most of Eastwood's 70s movies it's got plenty of grit and machismo. Certainly not one for the pearl clutchers. This is also one of those movies where you are reminded of what's missing in so many of today's movies. No I'm not talking about the politically incorrect stuff. That's another conversation. I'm talking about things like pacing and stuntwork and filming on location even if it might be slightly dangerous. Everything is faster and faker and more sanitized now. But I'll get off my soapbox before I start printing pamphlets. In closing, The Eiger Sanction is far from Eastwood's best but it is a good watch. Also I really love that jeep.