• CyberPunk 2077 is one of the most immersive games I've played in the past year, it is also the buggiest game I've played in a long time. The game doesn't feel finished, it has pop in issues, cars blowing up for no reason, I can't see my own guns half the time, I've seen more trees in the game than I have in real life, that is exaggerated but I can see trees across the world from me as they exist on this plane of sight that is jaw dropping in it's stupidity and also in my 25 hours of gameplay I've experienced 5 crashes. I'm amazed as to how a game can be in development for so long and turn out this way and I can't recommend it at the current $60 asking price for PC. I can't imagine what it's like on console. I would pass until they've fixed the bugs and issues that are in the game.