
  • ... and no this is not a remake. I just recently rewatched this, and for some reason I had thought Barbara Payton was actually Virginia Mayo. A second look taught me otherwise. I guess it was because that she looks so much like Virginia Mayo and she plays a role in this film similar to Ms. Mayo in White Heat.

    Ralph Cotter (James Cagney) is a prison inmate who breaks out with the help of another inmate, or maybe that is vice versa, because everybody involved in helping them make a run for it is involved with the other inmate - his sister, Holiday (Barbara Payton), his friends.

    The other inmate was shot by the guards trying to escape and, out of the view of the guards, Cotter kills the brother. This was probably seen as a necessity by Cotter to keep him from talking, but he didn't seem to not enjoy doing it. Cotter blames the brother's death on the guards. Back at her apartment, Cotter seduces his victim's sister, although his facial expression doesn't show affection, just conquest, probably as her apartment is a matter of convenience for him, a wanted man.

    This is a great examination of a psychopath, part gangster picture, part film noir. From the perspective of Cagney's character it is a gangster picture. From the perspective of his new gun moll, Holiday, it is a film noir. The story of a girl who never did anything wrong until she tried to help her brother escape because she thought he was framed and was going stir crazy. And then it is downhill from there with Cotter in charge of her life. And plus you sense she might have always been a little crazy too. She's at least very hard on walls as far as throwing things at them whenever her temper is ignited.

    Cagney pulls lots of questionable moves and crimes here that just happen to work out, some due to planning and bravado, some due to luck, some due to the fact that he has no conscience. Cagney does not get much meaningful dialogue, but he really doesn't need it. His character is written on his face. Cagney smiles when things are going his way. Expressionless when things are not with that cold stare.

    But then a surprise. What started out as a meaningless incident in the middle of the film that may have you wondering - What is THIS doing here?, well that incident comes back around at the end to what would have been a lucky break for anybody else, but would be a trap for Cotter. But again, he just loves risk and decides to chance it. Taking on all of this danger, thinking he can handle anyone and anything is his undoing.

    I said this was like White Heat in an alternate universe. And this is what I mean by that. Cagney is not doing a Cody Jarrett imitation but the comparison does hold up - cold and vicious yet he thinks on his feet. Payton's character is not like Mayo in White Heat. Mayo was as psychopathic as Cagney in that film and seemed to be married to him and staying with him for the high level of excitement and the occasional fur coat. But ultimately she loved nobody but herself. Payton's problem is that she loves him to death.

    With William Frawley as a chatty creepy prison guard a year before he became Fred Mertz. And with Ward Bond in probably his meanest role as a crooked police inspector who can stand toe to toe with Cagney in his portrayal of someone with ice water in his veins. He makes baddie Barton McLane look tame by comparison. Quite a bit of range when you consider that just two years later Bond was friendly failed fisherman Father Lonagan in "The Quiet Man".

    Highly recommended as a crime film where the tension never lets up.