• Warning: Spoilers
    I loved this show in season one. The acting was clear and everything was so realistic and amazing. Then the beggining of season 2 came. Killing off akin was a huge mistake. They killed of the main antagonist and made the entire show worse. Then brining in his long lost sister without any backstory. Sahra was such a beautiful character but they barely explained her relation with akin and their backstories. We know nothing about sahra or akin. And they literally wouldn't shut up about sahras parents even though we knew nothing. Sahra and Gediz love story was so predictable but i shipped them a lot. I used to ship nare and gediz but when sahra came my opinion changed. Gediz barely had any reaction to sahras death even though their chemistry was amazing. Gediz and Sahra were endgame but they were so focused on nare and sancars toxic relationship. Gediz understood sahra and they should've kept her so Gediz would've changed and stopped loving nare. They made sahra and gedizs love so one sided and complicated. And then they made gediz shoot sahra! gediz wouldn't ever do that. gediz was sensitive and he made sahra calm. and after sahra survived they killed her off! they didn't even let gediz talk to her before she died. It was so useless. They keep on adding more useless details and doing the opposite of what everyone wants. Sahra and Gediz should've stayed together and they should've just ended the series by keeping sancar and nare together and having them get married and just ending it there. They keep on dragging it on. Just finish with it! This is an edit a few weeks later. They ended up killing of gediz! and it was so pointless how he died. a car crash seriously. and now they added a random new character and they're completely forgetting about rhe main character nare. this show became garbage