
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is not a show I would normally watch at all as I tend to prefer a full cast of actors who can actually act and deliver realistic dialogue, but Eric Cross was too much fun to watch. His character reminded me of a character in another series that I enjoyed very much--Dexter. I also thought the role played by the lead male doctor was not bad. I actually only gave it a chance because it's a Black production AND Darren Dewitt Henson is in it. I like some of his other projects.

    There was some absolutely asinine subplots going on. The detective and his wife made no sense. No kind of chemistry whatsoever. The human trafficking ring with the old woman locked in the cell. (What the heck was wrong with her skin??? Was that real or fake?) Casting Erica as a doctor was completely unrealistic. She didn't pull that off at all. The sister who was snatched as a kid and all the random females with her were the worst actresses of all. Their scenes were cringe-worthy!!! The hospital administrator was so unrealistic with her silly facial expressions that it was hilarious. I cracked up every time she appeared on screen. The detective's wife could not act her way out of a paper bag. Her scenes were sad, and I actually felt lowkey embarrassed for her, the kidnapped sister, the hospital admin, and the other chick who wanted to be a boss after the "mother" was killed. Did these people even take acting lessons or were they found on a bus stop or in the mall or something? I hope they learned from this show and their acting improves if they plan to try to continue this career path. Lord.

    DESPITE all of the bad acting, those were not the lead actors so they didn't completely destroy the show. However, I found myself addicted! Even with the bad acting, I still had to know what happened next, and Eric Cross stole the show every scene he was in, apparently without trying because he also has some more work to do in polishing his acting skills.

    I watched the first season on Amazon Prime and got a free trial of ALLBLK just to see the second season, but there were only two episodes posted. So I went on and paid for a month just to watch the rest of the episodes. I am really hopeful that the acting and direction gets better because it has some potential to have successfully piqued my interest enough to watch every episode. Had this show had a bigger budget and a better director (and some writers who were actually logical thinkers), I think it could have been really good! BUT that's not to say it's terrible because I don't think it is at all. It was really entertaining if you can look past the bad acting and crazy subplots. Does that even make sense? lmao

    But give it a chance. Don't believe us reviewers. Watch ONE episode and see what you think for yourself. Look at it solely for entertainment value and put aside any hopes of logic, realism, or great acting and you will not be disappointed if you don't set your expectations any higher than that.

    And if they come out with another season, I will sure watch that too. I really hope to see these actors grow and improve in this and future roles.