
  • I had the awards pass so in total I saw 7 films and with respect to CODA this was my top pick of the year.

    Go ahead and try to explain the plot to someone and make yourself sound sane. A comedy about a man (Carmichael) finds out his best friend (Abbott) tried to kill himself 3 days prior and now wants them both to end their own lives. The subtlety in Camichael's performance is absolutely fantastic. When watching the film just take note of his level of emotion he is showing in each scene and how it changes as the film moves on. It is most interesting when he isn't talking. It is expertly done by someone known for just comedy. Abbott also shines as the damaged and crazed friend with 1999 Justin Timberlake hair who is dangerous one minute and sweet the next. The comedy lands throughout the film and this is because the film trusts it's audience to understand what is satire and what isn't. Their is no crowd-pleasing apology scene for its subject matter. No monologues about what we learned today. The film knows what it is and it's done well. I watched it with someone who was personally affected by suicide and he thought it was handled well. However if you're easily triggered this is not the film for you... and that is okay. Overall some production design could mildly improve it does look cheap at times but this was a fantastic film with great performances and the award winning script at Sundance. Don't miss it!