
  • Period piece. made in 1934 but the story takes place in WW I. Stars Ben Lyon and James Bush. german-born Fred is forced to quit his job in america when world war one breaks out. he and buddy Bob return to germany to fight for their homeland. which causes difficulties, since america is still neutral at the time. and to complicate things more, they fall for the same girl Alida. when the U.S. enters the war, it's even more complicated. this story was remade several times, with bigger stars. the quality and sound are pretty iffy, but we're watching it on (free) Film Detectives channel, so it's probably a copy of a film long out of copyright. and it's coming up on 100 years old, so i guess we can forgive the lesser quality. several of the actors and actresses were actually born in germany; including erich von stroheim (Captain Wolters). he's probably best known for Sunset Boulevard, although he had been around for YEARS, in the silents, in euruope and the US. pretty good film! plods right along. it isn't any shakespeare, but covers a lot of ground, for 70 minutes. directed by David Howard. died quite young at 45, cause unknown.