• I absolutely love Modern Marvels and just realized that it had a new episode airing about 2 hours before it aired. Since I've spent so much time watching Netflix and Amazon Prime lately, I hadn't seen any advertisements for the new Mod.Mar. Coincidentally, I saw the ad for the new episode today when I went to my DVR for this 1st time in a while and started watching 1 of the 50 Modern Marvels that had recorded over the last few months. Most of them I had seen several times but it had been a while so I always watch them again when they record... Did I mention I really love them? So imagine my disappointment when, what I saw looked like the format of every other Food Network show that follows some guy around the world eating any and everything in sight. Really?? One of the best most informative shows of all time jumping on the band wagon of the many How It's Made shows, and believe me, the Science Channel has started a little different version of their H.I.M. hit what seems like every month for the last 10 years. Don't get me wrong, I do Like How It's Made, I just don't have the desire to watch 10 different versions of it at least once a day. Now to be fair, everything I'm writing about the new episode of Modern Marvels is based solely on seeing the advertisement and first 3 minutes of the show. If I did not love the original so much guys, I wouldn't even give it a chance based on this so far. Why should you care about my opinion then?? Because if I feel this way so quickly being a self described fanatic of the show, how many people have you lost then that won't give it a chance, giving people's short attention span and the cut throat competition for viewers in today's world of on demand entertainment and desire for instant gratification. Lastly, I have hoped for a revival of this show for a long time especially an update for a lot of the older episodes from the 90's and 2000's. Even the exact same episode topics with todays HD programming and vastly updated and improved tech like the Military technology episodes, Electronics episodes (obviously), transportation and even some of the many farming and harvesting topics with the improved manufacturing techniques and farming equipment. Just please don't try to update the format and try to turn it in to a reality type show. It won't work and your format is already a proven success. So, I'm going to watch this new episode now and I really hope that all my preconceptions are proven wrong and this little rant makes me look like an idiot.