• This took an interesting story and turned it into a made for TV movie, a cornucopia of Hollywood cliches. First , there is the aging copper, dissed by the younger guys for his lack of tech ability,, but all done in such a harsh, over the top way it's not believable . There are multiple scenes with the main cop's little girl , and she and the mom are all boo hoo about him not being around because he works long hours. If it was up to Hollywood writers every pediatric cardiac surgeon would work a 32 hour week and be able to bring his kid to work, and any late cases would just have to wait, cardiac tamponade be damned. They also imply middle class cops should pay 35 k per for pre school. There is the mixed race girl friend, the rich best friend, the rude hispanic boss and the Ivy educated sounding PI. One character is less believable than the next, and the story unfolds in a boring way.