• The first 3/4ths of the movie is chock filled with the blandest of cliches and tropes that it almost put me to sleep. The premise of a "hip" young insanely popular "rock" band having to hide out at the manor of Lord and Lady Foxley - where it turns out, they Lord and Lady have to become the servants due to a scheduling error on their part to send the servants off to vacation was rather flimsy.. There was not quite enough at stake emotionally to fuel everyone's goals...all of which should have collided with hilarity instantly - but it didn't.

    "Rock My World/Global Heresy" is a typical "screwball comedy" minus the comedy for the first hour of the movie. There is nothing original, witty or exceptionally clever up till then.

    At least until the last act of the film, when the writing suddenly sprang the situations and characters to life. I kept yelling at my tv screen "Where was all this good stuff earlier?"

    I would not go out of my way to recommend this, but I wouldn't say no if someone asked.