• Warning: Spoilers
    A despot King, Xerxes, is out to stop a rebellion lead by the mysterious "Black Wolf." He arrests all of the rebels and demands they turn over "The Black Wolf." Xena's childhood friend, Flora, is one of the rebels. Xena promises her mother that she will get her out of jail. She gets herself arrested so she can be thrown in jail in order to help her old friend escape. In the meantime, Gabrielle meets Salmoneus and comedy ensues as both of them eventually end up in the same jail.

    Gabrielle doesn't get much screen time in this one. Seems like they filled her missing presence with Flora, whom Xena said was the closest thing she ever has a sister. I was kind of disappointed that Gabs got less screen time and was just used as sort of a plot point later on so that Xena gets her chakram. However, I enjoyed her interactions with Salmoneus.

    It was great to see Salmoneus back. He's funny and always has great camaraderie with everyone.

    I enjoyed seeing Xena needle Koulos all the time. That was hilarious, especially in the fight to land Xena in the dungeon.

    This had a lot of great action, some history about Xena's past with Flora, tho this is never revisited again in the series. It also had some fun comedy. 7/10.