• The show is watchable due to the endearing performance of Kim-Yoo-Jeong. The clumsy behaviour due to his condition of Yoon Kyun-Sang. And Seon Yu in the li mited time she is in it does a great job as well. And the close friend of the main actress is fun to watch as well. Where it fails is in the writing for Jae-rim Song... the character comes across as a fraud all the time. This becomes so annoying in episode 11. That I had trouble watching that episode. He lacks respect for all and his motives are his own.

    Korean drama in my opinion is as big as Kpop. It is a world to explore in most of the time what I would consider as high quality television. Sometimes its tough but if you go in with it with an open mind and respect the cultural differences most of the time what you get is a reward.

    So what is the reward here ? Well I do think the rewards are early on. Kim-Yoo-Jeong is excellent in coming across very natural in front of the camera . And Korean camerawork is among the best of the business. So you get some great scenes.

    It fails however because of the poor writing for the psych. I realize this is a romcom but his behaviour like I said is one I would rather not see since it is so disrespectful most of the time. And that shouldn't be the case when your job is being a psychiatrist. He even calls himself a really great one and acts like he knows it all. So it sometimes feels as an after idea that was added to make it to 16 episodes. t Netflix is great for getting a fix of Korean dramas. If you have to make a list. i would put it at the moment near the end of the watchlist.

    So for my rating. The first three episodes had my hopes up this was another gem. Episode 11 Made me jump behind this to write this and make up my mind if I am going to complete it. the answer is yes. for the four actors mentioned. episode 11. i rate a zero out of ten... I am hopefull the show picks things up again. Than again it is clear that the psych will be used in uncovering something from the past. But that has nothing to do with the CEO himself. So it is completely arbitrary but something the show is invested in for the storyline.

    It would have been a great watch if it was solely about the two main characters. It is the story about them. And the side story. the extra element makes it harder to watch since it is so badly incorporated in the story.