• Reportedly, Eddie Izzard, whose family is from Bexhill, knew the story of the real Augusta Victoria school and wanted to turn it into a WWII drama. But what is there really to this story: (a) there is a British school for the daughters of high-ranking German Nazis (inexplicably being educated in England) whom (b) the Germans want brought back to Germany before the war begins but (c) the British want detained in England (but would commit a diplomatic faux pas if they detained them prematurely). But does anyone truly care if these girls stay or go? All of the intrigue and thriller elements (some of which are reasonably well executed) are laid on top of what, at its core, is a seemingly inconsequential premise. Whether it's true or not, it's uninteresting. The twists and effective moments should have been saved for a film where the stakes were something we cared about.