• Warning: Spoilers
    I won't say much about the film. Sort the reviews by helpfulness and you in about will get my opinion. I will only say as much: After reading the cast list I expected something less ... bland? I can't actually put my finger on it. There is less of Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Oldman than one would have liked, but they're aptly cast and show the good performances you'd expect from them. But I want to point your attention to Costner's acting. If I told you in advance what kind of character he plays, you would expect something familiar from experience - but it's not exactly what you get. Costner does much more with the role than expected. His character is multi-faceted: A mixture between brutal animal, a bit of a mentally challenged person and some traits he 'inherits' through the film's core procedure. And Costner knows what to do with that. He brings the torn character to screen in a gripping way. There is more to the usual Costner deadpan approach we know from whenever he doesn't play the nice guy. Watch closely, you won't be disappointed.