• John Ford's work that earned him his first win at the Oscars for Best Directing. The story is told of an Irishman (Victor McLaglen) desperate for money in poor living conditions, he betrays a friend for 20 pounds, this unleashes a drama that involves an undercover group in the neighborhood where they are looking for this informer.

    Personally, it was difficult to see and dense despite having a normal duration, there are interesting directive decisions of styles that I later investigate and it shows that they were innovative or striking for the time but they were not enough for me. Something that caught my attention is the script, I do not take advantage of the situation that the main character got into at all, it did not have an evolution or deepening, from the beginning it always looks the same, it is not surprising and boring.

    Victor McLaglen is too big for the statuette for Best Actor compared to his opponents that year, he gives a basic interpretation with some scenes that like the first talk with the head of the group undercover or the final scene in the church but then it seemed too loud to me and baseless violence. The characters of Preston Foster and Heather Angel became more interesting and better executed to me.

    It is good in technical resources, especially in directing, but when telling the story, it becomes uncomfortable and dense even putting you in tune with the contemporaneity of that time.