• Warning: Spoilers
    What a cop out. Another movie made by hacks too weak to ride their own horse, so they revert to clichés. This poor excuse for a film ripped off Hereditary, Poltergeist 2, The Babadook, and probably some other horror movies.

    The film had potential to be something cohesive with substance, with character development and something original. But NAH, it had to waste viewers time by trying to create atmosphere then give up on itself by reverting to lame jump scares, done to death clichés and boring long drawn out scenes where the characters mumble like morons, with stifled and contrived dialogue. The guy who played the brother had zero charisma, was a total bore to watch.

    In several scenes you know what's coming next. We knew the mother was going to chop her fingers off, etc etc.

    The story, if you can call it that, had no meaning, made no sense. Why does this demon/devil whatever want to possess the fathers dead body? Why not the mother? It has the ability to make people kill themselves anyway, so what's the point? Another thing I can't stand with movies like this is when characters see or witness something creepy and then either don't mention it to the other person, or utter ambiguous diatribe about it. If I saw my dead mother floating outside my bedroom window, and saw her naked coming into the barn towards me, I'd INFORM MY SISTER IMMEDIATELY AND WE WOULD LEAVE WITH DAD!

    And LOL at the doctor saying you can't take your dad to the hospital, you will kill him. Dude, he was in the throes of death anyway, what does it matter? Was this doctor another manifestation of the evil there who liked whispering and making grunting noises?

    This movie blew big time. Sick of seeing nothing original anymore. These movies are pure garbage.