• Once upon a time there were great actors. They had fire and they had passion. It is over fifty years ago that such actors played on screen and stage. A lot worked almost uniquely on the stage like Uta Hagen in ' Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ', and she is to be heard in this play on YouTube, and you can also see there some of the greatest actors of all in the legendary ' Three Sisters; ' Geraldine Page, Kim Stanley and for me the finest of all Sandy Dennis. Accused by some now as having ' mannerisms ' they were all brilliant as being themselves as well as being others in many of the finest plays ever written. They were individuals in a community of fine actors, and their presence was not formulaic but their own; directed yes, but they knew exactly how to spark off each other and to achieve definitive performances. In this treasured production of one of the greatest plays ever written Kim Stanley, Geraldine Page and Sandy Dennis can be seen at their finest, each taking centre stage then retreating to give space for the others. Just watch the opening with Geraldine Page and Sandy Dennis and there in the background briefly seen, Kim Stanley listening, and there is no fighting to be the best for they are all the best and respect each other for it. I lay a bet viewers will never see their like again. I have not mentioned the men in the cast. All are perfect but it is the women who shine. Every actor alive should see this. It may not be Russian in feeling and that could be a criticism, but it is itself and I use a word I rarely use, universal.