
  • No, just no. Please, Woody, stop here. It's ok, you have done more than much in your life, you are one of the most important icons in movie history. I grew up worshipping you. You should now take a well deserved rest, or retirement, call it how you prefer, just please stop making sloppy movies. I know that you believe that all your movies are sloppy, so you might think "Who cares? One more bad thing won't make any difference". It does. Your 27th work was Deconstructing Harry, a masterpiece, like many others before: but after that we have seen 22 useless exercises, steadily decreasing in quality over the years, and now with this thing you really have started to dig in the dirt. If this movie was delivered as final work for a cinema class, the student would be rejected. The dialogues are flat, not funny. The screenplay is a repetition of previous subjects (were you so unhappy with Stardust Memories? I thought you liked it! Why did you make this tired and sad reboot?). The casting is so wrong that you could improve it just by randomly switching the roles among the actors, with the lone exception of Cristoph Waltz who was great, for the two minutes he was on screen, so I will award a star for every minute of him doing Death, but this is it.