• Warning: Spoilers
    " . . . Paper towels?" executive secretary Flo asks her new underling Bobby after a trip to the Ladies Room a few minutes into SATURDAY'S CHILDREN. As always, the prophetic prognosticators of the always eponymous Warner Bros. Use a film to warn America about its Corrupt Capitalist Corporate Communist Class, which begrudges Loyal Patriotic True Blue Normal Average Union Label Working Stiffs each tiny square of bath tissue they consume while slaving at work for a tiny pittance. SATURDAY'S CHILDREN also highlights the imminent danger to Filipino U. S. Citizens, who were just as American as Today's Puerto Ricans or Washingtonians, their pockets filled with their official currency of U. S. greenbacks, letters mailed with USA stamps and on pace to beat out BOTH Hawaii and Alaska to become America's 49th state. Then the Imperial Axis of Evil slaughtered more than a million of our fellow U. S. citizens after cowardly Pachyderm Political Party "General" Doug fled, forcing that racist cult to expel the surviving Filipino "losers and suckers" out of our nation in a crazed effort to minimize, cover-up and white wash the largest genocide facilitated by a single political party in U. S. history. So much for "Rims'" American Dream of making silk in the Philippines.