• Warning: Spoilers

    What happens when we upset the God given balance of nature?

    Well, Hawk is a cleverly constructed film that could be seen as a metaphor for the impact humans have upon the planet, mother nature being on par with the Antlet God and the end result - paying the deadly price. If you are unopposed to scenic shots of Snowdonia and a fantasy narrative to accompany, this is a film for you.

    The symbol of the Hawk throughout the narrative is a powerful reminder of its meaning in the spiritual world, in which a Hawk sighting represents the need to expand one's knowledge and learn important lessons. It could very well be that in Gawain's death, the man of light was born again into the remaining hawk nestling, there to expand Rowan's knowledge on the world and serve as a companion.

    This film beautifully portrays the connection between Rowan and the Hawk. Through the captivating close ups and elegant views of the woodland, cinematographer Martin Hill captures the true magnificence of their relationship and the way they communicate. Think Merlin intertwined with Game of Thrones.

    It is evident that the hawk has taught him valuable lessons in life, and from these teachings, it can be seen that Rowan reaches a higher level of understanding when faced with a difficult decision. Writers M J McMahon and Alex McArdell have done a brilliant job in developing the character of Rowan from a boy to a man. Narratively speaking, the story can come across as confusing and a shift in the order of events could have made the viewing easier to follow, however if you are someone who likes to find a deeper meaning and go on the journey with the characters, then the writers have done their job well.

    The film delivers a message to the audience of the need to sacrifice in order to obtain balance, something that is relative to the world today in terms of the devastating effects of climate change. All in all an exciting watch and a definite recommendation to those who enjoy fantasy and adventure.