• Warning: Spoilers
    Xena is poisoned right when some villagers and their friend, Lord Seltzer, need help and protection from Talmadeus and his army. With Xena facing death, it's up to Gabrielle to take her place.

    Salmoneus as Lord Seltzer was hilarious. Basically, his magic elixir is soda water. Lol.

    It was Callisto from the next episode that poisons Xena. Notice she has her own music.

    So Xena didn't die. Just went really "under" like a really slow heartbeat? This is the first episode of many where one of the leads "die" and then comes back. Although here technically Xena wasn't dead. But still, everyone thought she was.

    This episode has some great lines including playful banter between Xena and Gabrielle:

    Xena: "Sometimes you have to have patience with things that annoy you."

    Gabrielle: "Oh, I never said she annoyed me."

    Xena: "I wasn't talking to you."

    Thankfully Gabs and Argo start getting along in this episode. I loved that Argo sort of talked to the other horse in order not to tear Xena apart. Argo has her own feisty personality, she should have had her own Saturday morning cartoon back in the day.

    This episode had one of the most memorable lines in the series: Xena: "It's not about me. It's about these people. That's why we're here. People like this used to be my victims. I keep that in mind every time we come up against a warlord like Talmadeus. It's the greater good. Remember that." That pretty much sums up Xena's entire redemption inspiration to help others and the set-up for the premise of the show.

    Gabs as Xena started out pretty shaky, but she had some great moments, such as when Xena collapsed in her first fight with Talmadeus, and she threw her staff to stop him from killing Xena. Later she's like a full-on warrior when she fights to get to Xena's "body." She took out many of the soldiers. She really has a handle on using her staff. Say again why in season 3's 'The Deliverer,' was she relegated to "needs babysitting" status and isn't fighting beside Xena? Seeing her here, it's clear she would be a valuable asset in any battle. Not to mention she started doling out orders on how to create a defense, part of her learning experience from Xena.

    When they thought Xena was dead, it should have been Gabrielle's grief that was the most touching. But I was actually more moved by Salmoneus' grief. Robert Trebor did a great job here with his facial expressions and as he lamented, "Proud Warrioress. I will miss you." I haven't forgotten that Salmoneus was the first to see another side to Xena in Hercules TLJ, or that he rooted for her in the gauntlet scene, and rallied for her to Hercules. He has never gotten enough credit for his support of Xena from the very beginning. Later Salmoneus humbly hands himself over to Talmadeus, in exchange for leaving the villagers alone. It didn't work as Tanmadeus betrayed that deal, but it showed that Salmoneus is indeed capable of great unselfish deeds despite seeming cowardly at times. I think he was a scene-stealer in this episode. That's not to say Gabs' grief wasn't just as significant, because it was. It's just I was more moved by Salmoneus.

    Xena still manages to get it some funny lines after her bout with death:

    Talmadeus: "I'm glad you're not dead. It would have robbed me of this."

    Xena: "Well, it would have saved me from your breath."


    Great episode. Gabrielle shows that she is a capable warrior as she further develops as a character. Salmoneus was a scene-stealer. Some great action. Some comedy. Some drama. Xena is awesome as usual despite being "dead" for half the episode. Love the scene when she gets hit by the poison dart and pulls it out. Great expressions by Lucy Lawless. Don't miss the next episode where Xena comes face-to-face with Callisto who poisoned her here. 8/10.