• A group of hot rod-riding, rock-'n'-roll hooligans and hoodlums, headed by "teen" heartthrob, John Abernathy III (John Ashley), set about raising Cain. In between bouts of social mischief, the HOT ROD GANG engage in jumping jam sessions and singalongs.

    Considering this movie's title, there's a distinct lack of action. There is, however, a great deal of chamber music, romance, and groan-inducing attempts at "zany" humor.

    The story does eventually get back to the gang, and their drag racing, brawling ways, but first, John Ashley must sing! Thankfully, special guest, ene Vincent shows up to show these poseurs how it's really done!

    Can a dance contest be far off? Nope.

    Fans of Mr. Ashley will be glad to know that he's in almost every scene!

    Co-stars Dub Taylor as the same southern character he plays in all of his movies.

    An enjoyable enough bag of cheeeze-corn...