• Okay, so the plot of the film stretches credibility, and whoever wrote this movie seems to think that the audience is dumber than they look, but all in all this film is good fun if you want mindless entertainment. I almost turned it off, and started to check my email about a third of the way through, but I stayed with it...and I think it was worth it. Perhaps with better writing and better acting it could have be a classic.

    Hedy Lamarr was not a good actress (or even a passable one), but she was fairly attractive, so that was what her career was based on. Her looking nice and being able to stand in the right lighting. I am aware that comedy was not her strong suit, but she comes across better in films that are supposed to be comedies versus films that are supposed to be dramas. Her film The Strange Woman (at least I think that's what it's called) has the honor of being one of the few films I've turned off less than half an hour in. This film is one of the few films with her in it that I would watch again. Or, rather, probably the only one.

    James Stewart played James Stewart in every movie, or what we believed he was like in real life. He was a decent actor, but seemed to only be able to make one facial expression, and that was the one where he looked like he was staring into space with his mouth slightly open. He had a good screen presence, I will give him that, but this was the same guy who was in cornfests like It's A Wonderful Life and You Can't Take It With You. This film is corny, yes, and no, not a classic, but one man's classic is another man's least favorite film. (Have I told you how much I hate Casablanca or Breakfast At Tiffany's?)

    So watch this one if you like films that are corny but sweet, or are just bored. Unless you like mindless 'entertainment' films of today like Need For Speed (films like that I just ignore and sit with a good book in the same room it's being watched it). Although if you do like Need For Speed, what the fish are you doing looking at the reviews for a James Stewart film? Apples and oranges.