
  • Wish they just would've played this old story straight. Definitely a couple of extra stars would've wandered into my rating.

    Seen enough movies and you know where this is headed after a while. But, to keep the movie's "suspense," it's about a grieving ex-cop whose wife is comatose & daughter dead after a car accident and his quest to prove conspiracy theories. He does wander into a Wicker Man mystery in a small desert town and believes he can prove: everyone's in on it!

    I'm not a fan of conspiracy theorists. I pity them and their quest for attention. Boy, do they want to be right and brag they're one of the very few & brave who knew the big, bad secrets when everyone else was ignorant. They want you to question everything when they, themselves, just believe one anonymous and laughably unreliable source.

    Well, that's this movie and we're following that sad man around while he is both "on the run" from "them" and finding every clue involved in a big cover-up that no one else can prove. At first, I wish they gave us a reliable narrator as this movie has some very fine actors. But, I didn't create this movie.

    Or did I? Prove it! Look it up!

    Just kidding. It's passable and mercifully short. I love small desert town mysteries and Tommy Lee Jones. So, it's such a slight recommendation.


    Final Thoughts: Don't watch the trailer. As always, they spoil the very last shot. THIS conspiracy is real, by the way. They purposely ruin the third act, twists and/or final shot in far too many trailers. I had to give up on watching trailers I used to love my whole life since the nice surprise of the movies was wiped out long before I even see the movie.