• "No subject is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure." Hemingway. The same can be said for what Romero set out to accomplish with the Amusement Park. This vision of a world where the elderly are lost, taken advantage of, treated like cargo and are simply just scared with everything around them is showcased. Death and the fear of such is around every corner. Romero successfully brings this fear, this horror, this normal feeling the old witness daily to the screen. No, they are not zombies, but they are the walking dead. Set at an amusement park, the theme of anything pleasant is far from Romero's truth. Instead we watch a very real depiction that the viewer can't hide from. It is obvious what message Romero is telling us. If you are blind to see this, then you are part of the problem. Although this is not a horror movie, it falls under a genre that should scare you.