
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Obsession" owes a legacy to "The Postman Always Rings Twice," one of the classics of film noir. In the case of this new film, the title might be revised to "The Lever Always Drops Twice."

    The kind George Good is saved by the drifter Sonny Jordan during a mugging. George subsequently hires Sonny as a mechanic in his auto repair shop. Sonny falls for George's wife Larissa, and the couple devises a ghoulish plan to knock off George, who is developing a magnificent auto theme park that could potentially be worth millions.

    In the "accident" that takes place, the lever controlled by Larissa dropped the vehicle on George while he was under the car. But it didn't kill George and she had to raise the car and drop the lever a second time. This fatal mistake was all the savvy detective needed to raise suspicions about Sonny and Larissa as collaborating to kill the nice old man.

    While the narrative was routine and even somewhat predictable, the performances were first-rate. There was solid chemistry between Sonny and Larissa. The plot twist at the end was well deployed and successful in the turning the film into another film noir offering with a classic example of the femme fatale.