• How can I like and not this film at all. I just don't really know what to say about this. Siblings feed into the depravity of humanity, by some insane man for food. That's the supposed story that can be deduced to. I felt emotionally disconnected to the proceedings after the movie veers off into an incoherent narrative. The insane man, Mariano, had something interesting to him, but, suddenly, we are plunged into supernatural incoherence. Lots of sex and symbolism kinda makes this film look pretentious. I wouldn't even want to say 'pretentious', because the film is pretty solid in its imagery and cinematography. But it's pretty much lacking in emotional resonance. Well, the symbolism could be that of insanity through pleasure, and how one would eat themselves and others while delving into insanity. One thing is that, I was not emotionally moved by the story. It was pretty confusing, and pretty insubstantial to warrant the need for another viewing to fully comprehend the narrative. Only, if there was one.