• I can't think of many, if any, finales that were so confidently and brilliantly written. This should be the blueprint for how to conclude a series.

    If you haven't seen The Next Generation, I'd suggest, as others have, watching some highlight shows over the 7 year span, including the first episode of the show. The first episode isn't one of my favorite, but it's necessary for getting some of the references in the finale.

    Even looking at the title "All Good Things..." referring to "All Good Things Must Come to an End" which is both a reference to the show ending, along with a reference to the plot itself, which manages to be both incredibly epic and intensely personal at the same time.

    I agree with the people who say this can be considered one of the best Star Trek movies made. I wasn't a huge Next Generation fan, but there were between 10-15 episodes that I thought were excellent, and then this finale just hit me exactly how a show should. It takes every single thing from the previous 7 seasons and encapsulates them in one final adventure.

    Finales just don't get better. 10/10.