• When you think of great Aussie sketch shows, The Hoages show, The D-Generation, The Comedy Company, The Late Show, Fast Foward, Full Frontal heck even The Late Shift come to mind.

    This show here is not ever going to be among those classics. This show is producing 0% laughs and just eye rolling attempts at humor. Who is giving this rubbish the green light to be filmed?

    This show makes Greeks On The Roof look like a 10/10 comedy classic. I keep suffering through another episode hoping it will get better because lockdown is torturing us to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something to entertain us, but I wish I could give this show a rating of 0 now and tell Netflix to never show it's link on my menu ever again or recommend anything any of these people do in future, its that bad. Just avoid this program at all costs, you'll thank yourself for it.

    Also, ignore the generically written reviews here giving the show top ratings. It's the cast and fake reviews. I guess they think they can manipulate the IMDB rating and try to present it as an excuse as to why on Netflix it got so many thumbs down when Netflix say "give us 1 reason we should give you a second season?"... The cast don't deserve the chance of the money. So let them try and manipulate the ratings here and don't be stooged by them.