
  • In the mid-1980s USAF Lt. Colonel John Burton is tasked with objectively evaluating the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, a project that has been in development for 17 years. The vehicle started off from a simple design but, due to Army meddling and Committee-Think, it has morphed into something different, something potentially sub-optimal. In the interests of saving the lives of US servicemen, he is determined to do his job as effectively as possible but the powers-that-be want him to simply rubber-stamp the vehicle so that production can begin.

    An entertaining satirical look at an actual historic event, the development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The film is based on Colonel Burton's book "The Pentagon Wars" though large liberties have been taken with many of the details. Well, it is a comedy, remember.

    The film does capture well the sort of bureaucracy, meddling and Committee-Think that bedevil all organisations, but government ones the most. How the design of the Bradley changes over time due to these factors is hilarious to watch, but quite true to life.

    While these barbs are well-aimed some of the lower-level comedy can be quite silly and cheesy at times. While the idea was to poke fun at the military bureaucracy, many of the characters do seem like cartoon villains.

    Overall, funny and interesting enough. Just don't take it too seriously.