• Considering this film stars Anthony Quinn, Michael Caine AND James Mason, you probably would expect even more from this movie. Well, it's not a bad film but clearly it could have been better had the script been more interesting.

    Despite Michael Caine being listed first in the credits, he doesn't even appear in the film until the 25th minute. And, clearly, the star is Quinn as the story really centers on him and he's in much more of the movie.

    The story is set in Europe and is about Steven Ventura (Quinn) and his hatred for Brizard (Mason). It seems Brizard is a drug lord and is responsible for the deaths of one of Steve's friends in the opening scene. But even though he is a US intelligence agent working for the Justice Department, Brizard seems legally untouchable. So, in desperation he hires a hitman to take out Brizard. Coincidentally, the killer turns out to be one of Steve's old friends, John Derey (Caine). So what's next? Watch the film.

    The story looks real nice thanks to its location shooting throughout France. It also has a mildly interesting plot. But what kept it from being better for me was a decided lack of energy in the film....which is amazing considering all the killing, drugs and mayhem. I think the film's pacing tended to be too slow for the material. Still, it is interesting and worth seeing....even if Mason had a very odd French-ish accent!