• Warning: Spoilers
    ...but I must say that it pleases me when casting directors take the time to at least TRY to make families look a little alike. Even better, when they match younger versions to older versions...be it with natural looks or contact lenses.

    I know, I know, it is a small thing...but it makes the biologist in me crazy when a young version of a character has eyes so brown that they appear black, only to have the older version with pale blue eyes (without dialogue as to how they got that way, even contact lenses). It seems a very small even petty thing but there you have it.

    Even better is the casting of Mare Winningham and Kaitlyn Dever as mother and daughter. If you had seen Mare in movies when she was a youngster (everyone loved seeing her in movies with her long beautiful hair), you'd agree that this was excellent casting, on top of fantastic acting skills of COURSE (yes, that SHOULD come first).

    I'm just mentioning a small thing that makes me happy while watching a very very sad story.

    Speaking of which, it is downright depressing. I've cried twice already and I'm barely into episode two. I know how this ends.