
  • I am not sure why this show has such a low rating (but I will write why I think it has so in the end of this review).

    I am myself nor American (I am Swedish) nor am I black but I do have a big intrest in learning about equislity rights in general and read a lot about America. When I first ever heard about Colin Kaepernick was because of his kneeling. This has made me a fan of mister Kaepernick, because he is not afraid to show what he belives in, so yes I am a bit bias in that aspect in this review.

    The show is about the love for fotball and baseball that Colin Kaepernick has and how a passion like that gives meanings in many different ways. Both of Colins parents are ordinary people who happends to be white. They don't always see how for examples some things can be racial micro aggressions or how the word 'thug' can be condescending when used of how someone lools like. They are just not aware because of their white privileged. This is of importans since it's a reality. The education about rasism is well put and soft. Though I would guess that it's a bit sugercoated.

    Most importantant is that it's a young mans story and perspective. The young Kaepernick is a man who is navigating throgh who he is and what he belives in. He has excellent grades, friends and good but naive parents. He lives in a white town and seem to be almost the only tall and black man. Keapernick hiself is also the narrator and descibes to the viewer of his past thoughts and how ge views them. As a narrator of this show he also educates with history, perspective and scenarios on rasism which is partly why I enjoy this show so much.

    The show is in it self is easy, exciting, educational and fun to watch! It reminds me a bit of the show "Young Sheldon", but has more maturness and is not a sitcome.

    I know there are some people in Americans who doesnt agree with Colin Kaepernicks kneeling. With that I am aware that The UNited states seems torn when it comes to politics which I am guessing some people have rated this show so low. Because lets be honest this show is good! So don't judge this show by the low ratings, I would guess the ratings are more political than anything else.

    I belive this show is for everyone who like some easygoing drama. The storytelling is perfect but I am missing a more deep understanding of the young Colin. I would like to have heard more about his identity. On the same time that might would have made the meaning of the show go away!