• There are a lot of barely-veiled reviews from people that just don't like the subject & dont make any reference to the actual content.

    -Yeah, Colin Kaepernick made money.

    -Yeah, he kneeled during the national anthem of a country in which his parents were born into legal apartheid.

    -Yeah, he was coming off a down year when he got blackballed but was clearly one of the top 60-90 QBs in the world still. Probably could have started for a few teams and better than almost every team's backup.

    Side note: much like the underlying evidence for climate change & Anthony Fauci, the phrase "black lives matter" is only political to a small sect of easily triggered right wing culture warriors. To the rest of them world, the accusation that these are inherently political things only tells us exactly who you are.

    My advice would be to watch this and rate it on the merits. Not whether or not you believe rich black people are allowed to acknowledge basic truths about the culture they grew up in.