• "Home Sweet Home Alone" isn't just the one of the worst titles in the series, it's one of the worst films in the series

    Let me start off with the good. There is some decent comedy sprinkled here and there. Archie Yates give's a good enough performance, but doesn't come close to being as good as Macaulay Culkin. The two burglars are also kinda funny, and I liked how you kinda sympathize with them.

    Aside from that though this a very dull movie that features boring characters, and weird pacing. This movie steals many things from the original, but never does anything with them. Also the kid in the movie while not badly portrayed is very unlikable. He isn't given enough character to make him interesting, and he's kinda the villain of the movie. Everything here feels like a carbon copy of the original. Also the trap sequence is very unsatisfying. They feel mean considering that we kinda sympathize with these people. Besides the trap sequence is like 15 minutes. That's it. It takes an hour for the movie to finally start, but then we get kinda boring traps. And finally this movie basically isn't even a sequel. The only reason is cause Buzz from the original makes one cameo, but honestly he doesn't even need to be there. He's in the move for like 3 minutes.

    Overall "Home Sweet Home Alone" isn't the worst of the series, but it's definitely one of the most dull. It has slow pacing, dull characters, strange story decisions, and just a lack of true joy that it was just really bad.