
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There's a lot of disappointing comedies out there, but this one is enjoyable throughout and very funny indeed at times.

    Excellent casting and very natural performances. Really bubbly Queenpins and not in a grating way, but in a way that made them likeable and engaging. I really believed in their characters

    The coupon expert was great too and his relationship with the senior post office official was very entertaining.

    Jo Jo's mother was a hoot, she had a couple of the funniest lines and delivered them perfectly.

    I didn't quite get the relationship between the ringleader and her husband. I got the impression we were meant to think he was all bad, when what he was saying was not always unreasonable.

    It is said to be based on a true story and I wonder if the real coupon conspirators are as pleasant as our ones in the movie?