• I like the fact that they take the mick out of themselves a lot and they certainly don't take the production too seriously. It's a rehashed version of the original, centred inside a building and without the need to explain the origins of the Gremlins so much, which means that the story can really get going a lot sooner.

    I'm not sure that I liked the newly, more humanised and initially fluffier creatures, that seem purely updated for marketing and merchandising opportunities, but it doesn't take it too far. I do like the introduction of the science lab that allows for all sorts of possibilities for further chaos though.

    I'm also not sure we needed the Millers to return for this film, but I'm glad that they were able to keep the original leads in Phoebe Cates and Zach Galligan, mostly because I love him.

    The story is as you would expect if you've seen the first 'Gremlins' (1984), but with twists and interesting turns that you might not expect.

    It probably scores slightly higher for me for nostalgic reasons, but really isn't a bad film to score that low anyway. The only thing, that I would say, is that it is a sequel, which we all know means it has been done before, so we lost the surprise of some of what happened even with the updates that they made.
