
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've made it a little more than halfway through the entire run of the series and I don't know if I can continue. While the first season definitely had it's share of what the heck is this show supposed to be moments, it also had some really interesting stories, heartfelt moments and was at least partly in touch with reality. But season 2 is just ridiculous and the writers decided to continually up the ante in each episode. Like a few other reviewers, I keep watching, thinking there will be some sort of redemption of certain characters or maybe Emily will finally have a "good week", but alas. It's all drug addiction, devils and death. Oh and Emily's short, super annoying screams have multiplied since first season. There seems to be one in every other scene now. And could the townsfolk be any more horrid? I mean outside of Emily and some of her family members and her best friend, almost every other character is consistently nasty, mean-spirited, petty, classist, racist, you name it. Maybe I'll just start in season 4 which seems to have the best reviews and pretend seasons 2 and 3 never happened. I was really looking forward to binging this entire series, but I just don't think I'm going to be able to stomach it.