• "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" 2021 was a surprise for me. This movie was not only enjoyable, and actually improved on some of the characters

    Let me start of with the good. Even though at times the animation can look a little funky, it's still pretty good. The voice acting is also great. The give very convincing performances and act like the characters. The story moves at a very quick pace and was never boring. I also liked how they improved on the characters. Mostly Greg. Here he is definitely shown more as a friend who does care a little more about other people. There is also some great fan service from the books and first movie, as this one really does recreate certain scenes

    Now this isn't a perfect movie. The biggest issue is the runtime. 58 minutes is way too short for this story. They should've definitely added at least 15 or 20 more minutes. The movie does feel like it's trying to end this very quickly. And certain things happen in the book that the movie takes out, and it can feel a little rushed. It felt like the movie wanted to be longer, but for some reason just couldn't.

    Overall despite a short runtime, and rushed story, this movie really surprised me with its good acting, fun story, and faithfulness it has to the books and the first movie. Even if this movie isn't better than some of the live action movies.