• To see from the very beginning, as Anita started off as a little girl singing with her sister, as she blossomed into so much more, going through much of life's hardship, it really is very touching. Though I have not heard of her before watching this film (as someone born from the 2000s), it really did inspire me to read up more on this iconic figure. With clippings of the original Anita interwoven throughout the film, it makes the film seem all the more real, all the more raw, as you see actual footage of the events that had occurred, hardships she had to endure. It was just stunning. Furthermore, despite the fact that many of the actresses and actors are acting for the first time, it really did not look that way. While it was not superb by any means, it was on point and not lackluster. Overall, it is a great film based on a true story, bringing a fallen angel back to the spotlight.