• "THE CLUB is cloistered in a jerkwater Chilean beach town, where four defrocked priests reside in a house superintended by a caretaker, ex-nun Sister Mónica (Zegers). Disgraced by their conducts (among which are homosexuality, child trafficking, whistleblowing, etc.), the priests are consigned to repent and live modestly and inconspicuously. But after a fifth arrives, Padre Lazcano (a distinctive-looking Soza), who later shots himself when confronted by Sandokan (Farías), a victim of his pedophilia, now damaged goods. Consequentially, the Curia sends a spiritual director Padre García (Alonso) to investigate the incident, check on the priests and mull over the possibility of closing the house. Dirts will be dug, punishment metered out, damage maximally contained while Larraín and co. Vehemently tears off the fig leaf of the Church's hypocrisy."

    read my full review on my blog: Cinema Omnivore, thanks.